OodWell, I think any system that actually rewards contribution is better than the one that is only range based. Remember, even if you all have done is a small damage to the convoy and a fallback is
1) still some damage the others don't have to do
2) while doing so you have likely attracted guns which weren't pointed at the others.
Since everyone involved gets loot no matter what, it is not like you are hogging it from someone else...
The current simple range system is just not working:
- it is enough to lag for that second when the convoy dies, you won't qualify as being there, even if you seem to be in range.
- if you play a long range tank you still have to be near for the final kill, risking more than usual due to fragility, in which case what is the point of having snipers? Shall we keep a range system just for its "goodness" to eliminate a potential aspect of the game? Wouldn't this also make range augments kind of useless?
- If you play a "social" tank in a convoy chase (just as avenger for stun+lock, or corsair for the shielding), you can NOT be near all the times because you will be under fire more often. If there are not enough people to back you up with heal or put themselves in front of you, then you have to fall back for recharge, or whats worse you might be already dead and have to get back into action by teleporting, which is also time loss. And guess what? NOONE will stop and wait for you to catch up, they will keep on going and doing the kill with or without you. If you miss it, its your loss, no matter how beneficial you've been so far.
The examples above are based on actual grid exp.
I agree that a "single" drop qualification wouldn't work in the name of fairness (although keep in mind that multiboxing would be pretty damn hard and might not be that useful), so here is a small addition to your proposal:
Qualification for loot:
- Be within a range of maximum(X, Y), where X depends on the targets difficulty, and Y is your highest attack range + 3 tiles "lag/fallback bonus". The range qualification is not taken into account if you have died in the "area" in 15s before the target is killed. (So "unfortunate" deaths would still yield rewards.)
- Deal a certain amount of damage in the target loot range. This would allow for the following tactics: "players dedicated to destroy towers so the chase goes uninterrupted", "players dedicated to kill off convoy escorts without having to risk main targets", and of course "hardcore offensives" who do the actual main kills. Requesting a minimum amount of damage would also eliminite the "freebies" who just trail around doing nothing and waiting for loot.
- (or) Use certain abilities within range. It is important to note that by the above players who dedicate for shielding and healing won't get too much loot, so to even their chances their triggers should be taken in account too. (If an avenger stunlocks a convoy main in a crucial moment, it might be the single best act for the team to win).
How would this work simply?
The range maximum(X, Y) can work at any static or quasi-static enemies (towers and their minions), and could also be a main factor at convoys.
At hard enemies (convoys, super fortresses, whatever), the other factors could be taken in account by the following:
- There is a "contribution" stat, starting from 0. Counted on server side and individually / event.
- Each damage done increases this stat by 1 / n damage made
- Each damage taken increases this stat by 1 / m damage recieved (remember, if you get shot it means someone else did NOT). This would also apply if you do not actually get hurt because of invulnerable shielding.
- Each trigger used on the target would increase this stat by x, depending on the trigger. (For example a trigger that stuns the enemy would give more points than a trigger that just makes the convoy do funny noises.)
- Each "party trigger" would increase this stat by 1 / y "usefulness", where usefulness goes for buffing
other people aside from the trigger user (So you won't be ahead by healing yourself, you would only gain contribution if you heal others). This would also allow the introduction of more triggers (or maybe splinter "potions"), such as party damage / shield / cooldown buffs.
Sorry for the wall of text.
EDIT: Higher drop range for higher damage would work nicely too, good idea, Duco! It would not help the case of "party players" though, for example corsairs with low damage but taking high beating might still miss some well deserved loot.