Post by gingerbear on Jun 18, 2013 10:47:42 GMT -5
Since Rob said that remapping the keyboard isn't considered cheating, I think I'll share the .ahk script I'm using to customize my keyboard layout, it might help you until the devs find the time for the UI enhancement.
Some preliminary info:
- This script to work you must have Autohotkey installed first.
- Even though the extension is .ahk, it is actually a well readable plain text file, hence I will not upload a file here, but merely copy-paste the code. To get it work, just create a new script file, copy this, save, and use!
- The script is easily editable for spamming. Do NOT spam though as only morons do it, and I can't be held responsible for any mischief people are doing based off this code.
- If you don't want autohotkey on your system, the script can be converted to standalone exe file. I don't think autohotkey would support other platforms, so yeah, non-windows users, sorry.
Without further ado:
What this script basically does is allowing you to play with 2 hands:
The left pressing WASD as usual, while you can use your right hand for everything else:
NUMPAD 1,2,3 and Enter for the triggers, respectively
NUMPAD 4,5,6 for the splinters (heal pots)
NUMPAD + for nexus.
Numpad keys work with numlock on and off.
Also remaps right mouse click to nexus, so you don't accidentally open the flash menu.
Be aware that the chat window on will mess up all the keys, as they are simple remaps. The code could be optimized and enhanced further (I didn't include here my auto teleport typer but it's not a big deal anyway), feel free to contribute to it.
The script is only working if the active window open has "Grid 12" in the titlebar somewhere, so basically while you are in game, or browse related pages (wiki, forums). You can read the ahk manual to make it match exactly the title you want, or you can get rid of the "if winactive" line, in which case the remap works on just about everything. (Since it remaps your right button too, you might not be able to right click it in the task bar, heh )
I'm sharing this for strictly personal use, feel free to modify the keyboard layout to your own needs.
Some preliminary info:
- This script to work you must have Autohotkey installed first.
- Even though the extension is .ahk, it is actually a well readable plain text file, hence I will not upload a file here, but merely copy-paste the code. To get it work, just create a new script file, copy this, save, and use!
- The script is easily editable for spamming. Do NOT spam though as only morons do it, and I can't be held responsible for any mischief people are doing based off this code.
- If you don't want autohotkey on your system, the script can be converted to standalone exe file. I don't think autohotkey would support other platforms, so yeah, non-windows users, sorry.
Without further ado:
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn ; Recommended for catching common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#IfWinActive Grid12
Send, {Escape}
Send, {Escape}
Send, 1
Send, 2
Send, 3
Send, 4
Send, x
Send, v
Send, c
What this script basically does is allowing you to play with 2 hands:
The left pressing WASD as usual, while you can use your right hand for everything else:
NUMPAD 1,2,3 and Enter for the triggers, respectively
NUMPAD 4,5,6 for the splinters (heal pots)
NUMPAD + for nexus.
Numpad keys work with numlock on and off.
Also remaps right mouse click to nexus, so you don't accidentally open the flash menu.
Be aware that the chat window on will mess up all the keys, as they are simple remaps. The code could be optimized and enhanced further (I didn't include here my auto teleport typer but it's not a big deal anyway), feel free to contribute to it.
The script is only working if the active window open has "Grid 12" in the titlebar somewhere, so basically while you are in game, or browse related pages (wiki, forums). You can read the ahk manual to make it match exactly the title you want, or you can get rid of the "if winactive" line, in which case the remap works on just about everything. (Since it remaps your right button too, you might not be able to right click it in the task bar, heh )
I'm sharing this for strictly personal use, feel free to modify the keyboard layout to your own needs.